Organization Matters

Years ago, a wise friend whose husband was a successful writer, advised aspiring novelist me: “Get organized.”

Not very inspirational, I remember thinking.

After all, isn’t writing a novel about expression and creativity an so on? Why make organization the priority?

But, as I became more experienced as a writer, I realized how my right wise friend was.

Organization matters.

Productive writers work to schedules.

And the truth is, I still struggle to stick to a schedule. But the greater an effort I make, the more progress I see.

One simple organizational tool I find very helpful is the Pomodoro Method.

You set a kitchen timer (traditionally a tomato-shaped one) for 25 minutes, and you work for those 25 minutes.

No Internet browsing. No online shopping. No phone calls or emails or texting. If you think of a “to do,” you jot it down on a scrap of paper, but immediately return to the task at hand.
When the timer rings, you take a five-minute break.

Rinse and repeat.

Darwin's Fox

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